Title: Decision Made Author: helsinkibaby Fandom: Law and Order Pairing: Ed/Connie Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not mine. Spoilers: None Word Count: 100 Notes: Shameless inspired by [info]fearciuil's drabble for the [info]lawandorder100 "leather" challenge. The world needs more of Ed's leather coat!
Title: Mornings Author: helsinkibaby Fandom: Law and Order UK Pairing: Matt/Alesha Spoilers: None Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not mine. Notes: For the lawandorder100 breakfast challenge. Summary: Matt never liked mornings.
Title: Waiting for the Door Author: helsinkibaby Fandom: Law and Order Pairing: Ed Green/Abbie Carmichael Rating: G Disclaimer: Not mine Spoilers: None Word Count: 100 Summary: Ed finds Abbie. Notes: For the lawandorder100 door challenge.
Title: Support Author: helsinkibaby Fandom: Law and Order UK Pairing: Matt/Alesha Rating: G Disclaimer: Not mine. Spoilers: Alesha Word Count: 100 Notes: For the lawandorder100 “move” challenge
Title: Reunion Author: helsinkibaby Fandom: Law & Order Pairing: Ed Green/Abbie Carmichael Rating: G Disclaimer: Not mine Spoilers: None Word Count: 100 Summary: She’s the last person he expects to see. Notes: For the lawandorder100 write about who you haven’t/wouldn’t normally challenge.
Two drabbles from me this week, both posted at my LJ. Both based on Quit Claim and can be read as part of the same universe, or completely stand alone
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Title: The Wedding Author: helsinkibaby Fandom: Law and Order Pairing: Cyrus/Connie Rating: G Disclaimer: Not mine. Spoilers: None. Word Count: 100 Summary: Connie never dreamed of a wedding like this. Notes: For the service challenge
Title: Comfort Author: helsinkibaby Fandom: Law & Order Pairing: Cyrus/Connie Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not mine. Spoilers: None. Word Count: 100 Summary: Connie has something to tell Cyrus. Notes: For the lawandorder100 mom challenge.